Chefs Base Blog

how to prepare bitter leaf soup

How to Prepare Bitter Leaf Soup

How do you prepare Bitter soup as Nigerian? This recipe answers that. Although I have discussed this recipe in my recent posts, there are still much work to do. Why would anyone wish to taste anything made from a leaf called bitter leaf? If you are asking this question, then you have clearly never tried the bitter […]

how to make bitter leaf soup

How to Make Bitter Leaf Soup

Bitter leaf soup or ofe onugbu is another famous Nigerian soup made with bitter leaves and cocoyam paste. This delicious Nigerian soup is packed full of flavor, hearty, and quite filling too. Bitter leaf is similar to the Cameroonian Ndole. Nigeria is very blessed with several dishes but it surprises me that many of us […]

ingredients for bitter leaf soup

What are the Best Ingredients for Bitter Leaf Soup?

There are some ingredients for bitter leaf soup that you must not overlook when preparing the soup. This does not neglect the relevance of other ingredients but enlightens the readers on the existence of primary and optional items that the soup covers. This article centers on the ingredients that are used in cooking bitter-leaf soup. […]

how to cook bitter leaf soup

How to Cook Bitter Leaf Soup

Bitter leaf soup is another good deal in Nigeria. The citizens do not like it only for its unique taste but also for its unique bitterness. Preparing this soup is very demanding, a slight mistake from the cook, the product becomes a compound of unsavoriness and oddity. I grew up believing that bitter leaf soup […]

bitter leaf soup

Nigerian Bitterleaf Soup: Everything About the Delicacy

Bitterleaf soup – Ofe onugbu (as the Igbos like to call it) is very tasty and also comes third on my list of popular Nigerian soups. This soup is famous because it could be made in more than five different ways by different ethnic groups in Nigeria. It can equally be refrigerated for a very […]

carrot and coriander soup

How to Make the Perfect Carrot and Coriander Soup

Carrot and coriander soup is a classic soup combo – and for good reason! The two complement each other beautifully. This version put together by Chefsabse is very fast and simple to make, but packed full of flavour! What is your favorite soup? I have many favorites, but it is the tried-and-true classics that I […]

how to cook okro soup frying method

How to Cook Okro Soup Frying Method

Some love their Okro soup fried, some love it cooked just like Ogbono, while some love it too watery like my goat meat pepper soup, name it, there are all cooking methods. I love frying my Okro soup but I don’t do it always. However, I need to share the recipe with you because you […]

how to cook okro soup with ugu leaf

Learn How to Cook Okro Soup with Ugu Leaf

You can cook Okro soup with Ugu leaf, it tastes nice. I combine the vegetable (Okro) with either scent leaves, melon, azuza (hot leaves), or Ugu leaves. Sometimes, I would combine it with Ogbono. Preparing Okro soup with vegetables (Ugu next leaves) is common here in the South. Mostly Rivers State and Bayelsa. The combination […]

how to cook okro

Learn How to Cook Okro Soup in a Special Way

The last recipe on Okro soup was comprehensive, but I felt there were a couple of details that I hadn’t included in the articles. Cooking Okro or okra, depending on your English variety, is not difficult but you must learn from somewhere.  Unlike Afang soup or White soup, Okro soup does not take more than […]

ingredients for okro soup

Major Ingredients for Okro Soup that You Should Know

What are items you make use of when preparing Okro soup? Apart from the okro itself, what else do you add to make the recipe worthwhile? Okro soup has some ingredients that you can do without. Some items for preparing it must be present for your soup to be okay. Okro is the primary ingredient, […]

How to Make Okro Soup

How to Make Okro Soup in Nigeria

How do you make your okro soup as a Nigerian? This is not a difficult question, but if it happens to be, I’m here to answer it for you. Kindly explore this content on how to make okro soup in Nigeria. If you don’t like okra, this okra soup recipe will change your mind because […]

How to prepare okro soup

Best Way to Prepare Okro Soup

I like okro soup for this particular reason: everyone always learns how to cook it. How do you prepare okra soup? The magic is done here. Kindly read further. Nigerian Okra Soup is a simple stewed okra soup recipe. It is a popular delicacy among the Yoruba ethnic group in western Nigeria. It is also […]

okro soup ingredients

Best Okro Soup Ingredients that You Should Know

Okro soup, a popular meal in many West African cuisines, is best served with fresh, vivid ingredients that bring out its rich flavors and textures. Fresh okro (okra) is required for its distinctive slimy texture, palm oil for a rich, earthy flavor, and various meats or fish such as cattle, goat, chicken, or dried fish […]

how to cook okro soup

Learn How to Cook Okro Soup

Okra soup (African okro soup) is prepared with okra vegetables cooked in a delicious mixture of palm oil, shrimp, goat meat, fish, and African spices and simmered to perfection! This loaded okro soup is popular throughout West Africa, particularly Nigeria, Ghana, and Cameroon. Okra soup is delicious, nutritious, and high in proteins and healthy fats. […]

okro soup

Okro Soup: Everything You Need to Know

Okra soup has sliced okra fruit, meat, crayfish, seasoning cubes, salt, pepper, etc. I love this soup because it is very easy to prepare and likely the cheapest soup in Nigeria. I remember cooking a pot of (Okra) Okro soup with just two hundred and fifty Naira, (10 years ago, more like a one-dollar soup. […]


Okro: A Delicious Vegetable Used in Preparing Soup

Okro has a botanical name which is Abelmoschus esculentus. It is called in some English-speaking countries as lady’s fingers. Okro is a flowering plant in the mallow family native to East Africa. It contains edible green seed pods. Cultivated in tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate regions around the world, okra is used in the cuisines […]

how to cook afang soup in akwa ibom

How to Cook Afang Soup in Akwa Ibom

I am from a tribe in Nigeria where we know how to make a whole lot and we have lots of various delicacies I will be sharing with us. I wish to introduce Afang otherwise known as Okazi to us. The Botanical name of Afang is Gnetum Africanum, it is a climbing leafy vegetable from […]

calabar afang soup

Calabar Afang Soup: How to Prepare the Delicacy

Afang soup just like edikanikong soup, is one of the major soups eaten amongst the Calabar and Akwa Ibom people of Nigeria. The soup is very rich and contains lots of ingredients which is what the Calabar style and Akwa Ibomaits are known for. Both soups are almost prepared the same way and use the […]

akwa ibom afang soup

How to Prepare Afang Soup: The Akwa Ibom Way

On the 8th of March 2019, clarion call took me to Akwa Ibom shortly after I graduated from the University. As soon as I got my posting letter and saw Akwa Ibom, I knew I was in for a food adventure. Indeed, my expectation was met during my one-year compulsory assignment. This is how my […]

step by step on how to cook afang soup

Step by Step on How to Cook Afang Soup

Afang soup (not to be misconstrued for Okazi soup or Ukazi soup, a soup from the Igbo cuisine), is a vegetable delicacy that originates from the Efik people of the Efik kingdom in Cross River State and the Ibibio People of Akwa Ibom in Southern Nigeria. Learning how to cook this soup has always been […]

afang soup and fufu

Afang Soup and Fufu: Everything You Need to Know About  this Combo

Nigerian food is a delightful amalgamation of flavors, textures, and traditions, with dishes that tantalize the taste buds and nourish the soul. Among the plethora of culinary treasures Nigeria has to offer, Afang soup and fufu stand out as iconic dishes that reflect the rich cultural heritage of our country.  In this post, we delve […]

ingredients for afang soup

Major Ingredients for Afang Soup

For your Afang soup to be what you need, the presence of what we call major ingredients must be felt. What are the major ingredients for Afang soup? Let’s find out in this discourse. For your Afang soup to be what you need, the presence of what we call major ingredients must be felt. What […]

afang soup ingredients

Best Afang Soup Ingredients for Beginners 

Which Afang soup ingredients for beginners and experts do you know of? I know plenty, that is why my soup always tastes better than the ones prepared by most of the popular food vendors in the country. Cooking Afang soup involves a lot of stuff, and getting the right ingredients for it is one of […]

how to prepare afang soup

Best Way to Prepare Afang Soup

When you read my previous post on how to make Afang soup, you will see that little left-out information and the need to fix that vacuum as soon as possible. The vacuum was not intentional; I did it due to the limited availability of data at my disposal then. Not that kind of limitedness [that […]

how to make afang soup

How to Make Delicious Afang Soup

How do you make your Afang soup? How best do you combine the leaves and other ingredients to make the soup worth eating? This page will sort that out. Afang soup is fast climbing the top of the list of famous Nigerian soups. If you are interested in exploring Nigerian foods, this delicious soup would […]

afang soup recipe

Afang Soup Nigerian Recipe

Finally, the Afang Soup recipe is here for you. The soup is one of the most beloved traditional Nigerian dishes, celebrated for its nutritional and medicinal qualities. It hails from the Efik people of Nigeria. I’ve been eager to share this recipe for months, but finding fresh periwinkles proved challenging. Despite my efforts to keep […]

afang leave

Afang Leaves, Health Benefits, and Everything You Need to Know

The Afang leaf, also known as Okazi leaf, is called Wild Spinach. Its botanical name is Gnetum Africanum. This leaf is rich in essential amino acids such as leucine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid, with glutamic acid being particularly crucial for efficient brain functioning. In addition, it contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Hence, […]


How to Cook Afang Soup in a Special Way

Hey, we just need to take you to the full exercise now; we need to teach you how to cook Afang soup fully in this post. As indIcated in my previous post about Afang soup, the delicacy is popularly eaten by the Efik and Ibibio people of Nigeria.  Afang or Afang soup is a tasty […]

afang soup

Nigerian Afang Soup: Everything You Need to Know About this Delicacy

Some call it African salad. The Igbo call it Ukazi soup or simply Ukazi, but in where I come from, this exciting soup is known as Afang soup. As you would know, Afang soup is commonly enjoyed by Efik and Ibibio people of Nigeria.  This delicious soup is not only made with Afang leaves, but […]

how to cook vegetable soup with ugu only

How to Cook Vegetable Soup with Ugu Only

Cooking vegetable soup with Ugu only is for me the sweetest but the soup does not last. It will just finish immediately since stuff like waterleaf or melon is not added. Vegetable soup is the delight of many in Nigeria, especially those living in the Southern part of the country. This is a soup made […]

vegetable soup ingredients

List of Vegetable Soup Ingredients

Vegetable soups are prepared with a lot of amazing cooking ingredients. Some are major while some are optional. These ingredients are very essential in bringing out the overall taste of the soup. You are welcome to Chefsbase. On this page, we will talk about all the ingredients needed for the preparation of vegetable soup whether […]

recipe for vegetable soup

Best Recipe for Vegetable Soup

This vegetable soup recipe is amazing, healing, and warming. It’s just the thing for cold nights, days when you’re craving a healthy reset, or any time you’re feeling a bit under the weather. I first started making it years ago, when I was bouncing back from a cold and had a ton of random veggies […]

nigerian vegetable soup recipe

Best Nigerian Vegetable Soup Recipe

You are welcome to Chefsabase, the home of food-related articles and more. On this page, we are going to talk about Nigerian vegetable soup recipes. This vegetable soup recipe is good for you if you live outside Nigeria and can’t buy traditional vegetables for preparing Nigerian vegetable soup, Edikang Ikong. There are many cultures in […]

pounded yam and vegetable soup

Pounded and Vegetable Soup Recipe

If I am asked to choose my most preferred vegetable soup swallow, I will choose fufu, but traditionally, pounded yam is the best. Explore my pounded yam and vegetable soup recipe below. Pounded yam and vegetable soup is a nice combo in Nigeria. Senior citizens usually enjoy it. Gen Z is not very cool with […]

steps on how to cook vegetable soup

Best and Amazing Steps on How to Cook Vegetable Soup

Welcome to our page on steps on how to cook vegetable soup! This traditional Nigerian dish is filled with vibrant flavors and nutritious ingredients. Whether you’re a fan of Nigerian food or just want to try something new, this recipe is a must-try. So, let’s move in and learn how to prepare this tasty Nigerian […]

how to cook vegetable soup without waterleaf

Tips on How to Cook Vegetable Soup Without Waterleaf

Heeeey, cooking vegetable soup has been made easy now right? Yes, it has, thanks to our researchers for the wonderful work, but what, have you heard about vegetable soup without waterleaf? That stuff is the best for me. Very nice vegetable soup can be cooked without waterleaf and without spinach. This tasty, soft, mouthwatering vegetable soup […]

how to make pepper soup

Learn How to Make Pepper Soup

Learn how to make pepper soup without having a chef or cooking professional standing behind you for assistance. Welcome to Chefsbase. On this page, you will learn how to make pepper soup by yourself. Of all our recipes that I remember most fondly for their combination of spice and comfort (and most certainly not the […]

how to cook ogbono soup

How to Make Sumptuous Ogbono Soup (Wild Mango Seed Stew)

Find out the secret and how to cook Ogbono soup, a rich and flavorful stew made from wild mango seeds, with our easy-to-follow recipe. Perfect for a hearty meal. I bet the heading was a mouthful! Coupled with the confusion of referring to the same dish as a “stew” and a “soup”. Oh well, the main […]

how to prepare vegetable soup

Learn How to Prepare Delicious Vegetable Soup

Hey, we are into Nigerian food today. Strictly Nigerian soup, though it is eaten in other parts of the world. Yes, it might be eaten in other parts of the world but the style explained here is strictly Nigerian. Vegetable soup is eaten with any of the swallows in Nigeria and served as either lunch […]

how to cook vegetable soup

How to Cook Vegetable Soup: Pumpkin Leaves Soup

You are welcome to Chefsbase. On this page, you will learn about how to cook vegetable soup otherwise known as pumpkin leaves soup. Pumpkin leaves soup is the delight of many in Nigeria, especially those living in the Southern part of the country. Survey has it that the soup is common among the Akwa Ibomites […]

homemade biscuits

Easy Homemade Biscuits in 30 Minutes!

Baking up a batch of buttery homemade biscuits is as simple as following my simple and easy recipe. You need just a handful of ingredients and you and your family can add this one to your breakfast recipe repertoire! There is nothing that smells more nice than a batch of buttery, flaky homemade biscuits baking in […]

Jamaican Spiced Bun

Best Jamaican Spice Bun Recipe for You

The Jamaican spiced bun has gone beyond being just a mere Easter special to an all-year-round delight! This might not be something I have shared before on here, but I was not a big lover of fruit cakes growing up.  My 10-year-old self would pick out every little raisin there was in my cake, even […]

Tea Loaf

Easy Homemade Tea Loaf Recipe for 2024

Absolutely, nothing spells English like a tea loaf. Yes! It does not get more English than this. I might have said in my Jamaican bun article that I am not a big fan of fruit cake, maybe it is high time I admitted how much they have grown on me. I am always looking for […]

Easter Bread

Best Italian Easter Bread Recipe (Pane di Pasqua)

Italian Easter Bread is a specially fragrant bread popular across Italy, especially during Easter. Its signature taste which has citrusy notes and vibrant appearance are just a few of the reasons for the fame of this bread. My younger self would never have thought I could use the term “gorgeous” for a loaf of bread, but […]

Strawberry Cobbler

Warm and Sweet Strawberry Cobbler

Sweet Strawberry Cobbler is produced with fresh and organic strawberries all infused in a crispy and buttery crust. Nothing spells maximum delight like the taste of warm and sweet strawberry cobbler topped with a scoop of your favorite ice cream.  If your sweet-tooth cravings linger on, you should try my fluffy vanilla cupcakes. What is […]


How to Make the Fluffiest Pretzel Bun

Pretzel Buns are amazing stuff no matter the time of day. They are dinner buns filled with the signature taste and flavor traditional pretzels are known for. I have said it time and time again, nothing beats the enticing aroma of freshly baked pretzel buns or bread rolls in your home..hmm! I don’t know if […]

Donut Recipe

5 Whys of Donut-making Fails | Classic Donut Recipe

This tested and trusted classic donut recipe is the way forward to achieving soft, pillowy donuts. Take it a notch higher by coating it with frosting or cinnamon sugar. Today’s classic donut recipe holds a special place in my heart. I can have hot, sweet donuts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is also a favorite […]

Hot Cross Buns

How to Make Authentic Hot Cross Buns

These richly spiced hot cross buns have been associated with Easter celebrations since the 13th century. They are soft, buttery, and laced with aromatic ingredients. A good many of us only remember hot cross buns from the popular nursery rhyme/song. Growing up, I never got a chance to buy or taste hot cross buns. My initial […]

cassava pone

How to Make Caribbean Cassava Pone

Cassava Pone is a decadent and mildly tasty Caribbean dessert made out of grated cassava and coconut, and baked with a host of other ingredients. Enjoy a slice of this food with some ice cream or with a warm cup of tea. Visiting the Caribbean has been on my bucket list for the longest time. […]

how to make fish pie

How to Make the Popular Nigerian Chicken Pie

If you have ever tasted the Nigerian meat pie or Jamaican beef patty and loved it, you would be interested in how to make the famous Nigerian chicken pie. From the deliciously creamy and savory filling to the crunchy finish of the pie crust, this detailed recipe will be worth every second invested! How to […]