Easter Bread

Best Italian Easter Bread Recipe (Pane di Pasqua)

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Italian Easter Bread is a specially fragrant bread popular across Italy, especially during Easter. Its signature taste which has citrusy notes and vibrant appearance are just a few of the reasons for the fame of this bread.

My younger self would never have thought I could use the term “gorgeous” for a loaf of bread, but I have to admit that this Italian Easter bread is downright amazing!

What is Pane di Pasqua?

It is also tasty, as it packs a punch of citrus essences that stand out totally from the rest.

This is what you call tell me it’s Easter without telling me it is Easter.

The tradition in my family is to observe Easter at home. After cooking up a little feast, we all just gather, eat, and enjoy the company of one another. 

It is also a time for personal reflection on the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus paid for us to have eternal salvation.

But I know a few friends who would prefer to enjoy the company of others during Easter, and bake up some pane di pasqua as a little Easter souvenir.

What is Pane di Pasqua?

The Italian term Pane di Pasqua literally translates to bread of Easter. 

It is a popular bread that is said to have originated first in the Lombardy region of Italy before being widely heralded as the bread of Easter.

Its signature look is braided dough wound around a colored egg.

There are many stories behind the origin of the Italian Easter bread. A funny version is one that dates back to 572 where King Alboin was said to have conquered Pavia following a 3-year siege.

A wise maiden was determined to bake up a sweet bread to convince the king to set her city free.

Now here’s the funny part, it worked! The king was mesmerized, her city Pavia was freed and everyone lived happily ever after.

Ingredients Needed for Italian Easter Bread

The ingredients for this bread are easy to find:

1. Dyed Eggs

I am guessing the only part that may seem intimidating is the coloring of the eggs.

As I always say, EASY PEASY! I have just the recipe for coloring eggs in under 10 minutes!

2. Flour

I would advise you to use bread flour because its higher protein content allows for a more rapid development of gluten.

Otherwise, you can use all-purpose flour, you may only need to invest more time to knead the dough to aid the gluten development.

3. Whole Milk

This will need to be warmed up a little to aid the activation of the yeast.

I used regular half and half milk, but I am yet to test with low-fat milk or vegan options.

4. Eggs

Eggs are needed to add some airiness to the dough. You will need two whole eggs.

5. Raising Agent

The only one needed for this Italian Easter bread is Active Dry Yeast.

6. Vanilla Extract

This adds that nice vanilla essence to the dough.

7. Citruses

These form the uniqueness of the Italian Easter bread. You will need the zest of a lemon and an orange. 

These add a fragrant appeal to the bread. Some versions call for the addition of anise but this was not used in this recipe.

Other Ingredients

Colorful sprinkles are also needed for decorating the bread. Some melted butter to brush the bread with will improve its shine and flavor.

Baking Instructions

 In a mixing bowl, combine the warm milk and yeast and leave to bloom (becomes foamy on the surface)

Add in 1½ cups of flour and the two eggs, and mix till it forms a shaggy dough, almost like the consistency of pancake batter. Cover and leave to sit in a warm spot for two hours, it should double in size.

Add in the rest of the flour, sugar, salt, zests, vanilla extract, and butter. Transfer to a stand mixer and begin to knead on low speed for 7-8. If kneading by hand, begin to combine gradually, when it has come together, transfer to a floured surface and knead for at least 10 minutes.

Form into a ball. Lightly oil the bowl, cover and let it sit in a warm place for an hour or till it has doubled in size.

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