how to cook okro soup with ugu leaf

Learn How to Cook Okro Soup with Ugu Leaf

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You can cook Okro soup with Ugu leaf, it tastes nice. I combine the vegetable (Okro) with either scent leaves, melon, azuza (hot leaves), or Ugu leaves. Sometimes, I would combine it with Ogbono.

Ingredients for Okro Soup and Ugu Leaf

Preparing Okro soup with vegetables (Ugu next leaves) is common here in the South. Mostly Rivers State and Bayelsa. The combination helps make your soup last long.

Okro alone might not last long compared to when it has been mixed with Ugu leaf. It is a matter of choice, some people on the other hand do not like such a combination.

How do you cook the two? It is simple. Follow my lead as we journey through, but before then, let’s examine the ingredients for Okro soup and Ugu leaf.

Ingredients for Okro Soup and Ugu Leaf

Here are the ingredients for Okro soup and Ugu leaf:

1. Okro

2. Ugu leaf

3. Meat

4. Fresh fish

5. Fresh pepper 

6. Onions

7. Red oil 

8. Maggi or Onga cube 

9. Crayfish 

10. Salt

The list is okay, you can add whatever you ingredients to enhance your personal taste and preference. Now, let’s talk about how this combination can be prepared.

How I Cook Okro Soup and Ugu Leaf

This is how I cook Okro soup and Ugu leaf:

I begin by washing and slicing the Okro into tiny bits. I would do the same thing with the  Ugu leaf and then it aside. I would wash the meat, fish, and stockfish and keep them aside.

Based on the quantity of soup you are making, I would put some water in the pot, and add your fish, meat, and stockfish. Pepper, oil, maggi, onions, and salt would be added too to make them mix well.

After the pot has stayed on the fire for some time, I would add the Okro and crayfish immediately and allow the soup to stir for some minutes before adding the Ugu leaf, additional cubes of Maggi, and perhaps some quantity of oil.

My soup would stay for a few minutes now before being brought from the fire. The combination of Okro and Ugu Leaf is ready.

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