how to make afang soup

How to Make Delicious Afang Soup

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How do you make your Afang soup? How best do you combine the leaves and other ingredients to make the soup worth eating? This page will sort that out.

afang soup

Afang soup is fast climbing the top of the list of famous Nigerian soups. If you are interested in exploring Nigerian foods, this delicious soup would definitely boost your interest in Nigerian foods. This tasty soup is native to the Efiks, the major occupant of (Cross River and Akwa Ibom State).

It really does not matter your language, background, or ethnic group, you can try original foods from different Nigerian cultures and ethnicities. Over the last few months, I have focused on Efik soups, Afang sits right on top of the list and today we are going to learn how to make this soup and other delicious Efik/Calabar foods.

I think After Igbo, Hausa, and Yoruba; Efik is another famous group in Nigeria; they have delicious foods that have left the rest of us salivating. Apart from this soup, they also have Edikang-Ikong, atama, nsala, and a few other delicious soups.

I cook this with Afang leaves (ukazi) and water leaves, these two fresh leaves combine seamlessly to make a delicious-looking afang soup. The Ukazi leaf is usually sliced and then ground with either a kitchen blender or a hand-grinding machine while the waterleaf is just chopped with a kitchen knife.

I just like this soup because it is made with just vegetables, and I love vegetables! – They are nutritious, medicinal and contain fiber that helps the body cells to function well. Do not allow your focus to be on just food alone, also make sure they are also healthy for consumption.

Afang Soup’s Preparation

Afang Soup's Preparation

Assorted meat is the most suitable for Afang soup but if you can not find it in your location, you can use any meat you find. I used a combination of assorted meat and pomo. Wash your snails with lime juice or grape juice and be sure it is rid of its slimy fluid.

The periwinkle (isam) is usually cleaned by the sellers, you only need to wash them. The ground ukazi leaves act as a thickener for this soup, I use fresh leaves for all my soup but if you can not find fresh stuff in your place, go ahead and substitute with the dried alternative.

How to Cook Afang Soup

Just go ahead and begin parboiling the meat with all the necessary ingredients (2 cubes of knorr, half a cup of sliced onions, salt, and other spices of choice).

Some people wash the water leaves before slicing them while others decide to slice them before washing; I prefer the latter. Slice and wash the water leaves and keep them aside in a plastic sieve to make sure that the water is properly drained away.

Most people do not like a trace of water in their afang soup, that can be easily arranged, just try to squeeze the water leaves tightly before you add them to the soup.

Soak the dried fish with warm water, remove the center bones, and wash carefully with just water; also wash the stockfish head with warm water. Add them to the cooking meat and cook until they are soft and the pot is almost dry. Add the palm oil, and stir all together.

Add a seasoning cube, ground pepper, snails, and salt to taste, and allow cooking for three to five minutes. Add the water leaves; allow to simmer for five minutes before adding the periwinkles, ground ukazi, and ground crayfish.

Afang Soup Recipe

Afang soup is nice for men, and women and is especially recommended for women during pregnancy. This soup has since topped the list of my favorite Nigerian soups. I think you are going to love it the next time you try it.

The ingredients for this soup are:

15 cups Sliced fresh water leaves

1/2 cup of ground crayfish

3 cups Ground fresh Ukazi leaves

3 cubes of knorr (sweetener)

1 stockfish head (medium size)2 medium-sized dried or roasted fish

1.5 cups of palm oil

1 cup of Periwinkles (optional)

Snails (optional)

Salt and Pepper to taste

6 Red fresh pepper

2 KG Assorted meat

Afang soup is the native soup of the Efik and Ibibo in Cross River State and Akwa Ibom State. With your adherence to the recipe, you will learn how to prepare the soup.

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