ingredient for fried rice

The Best Ingredient for Fried Rice

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There is no best ingredient for fried rice, rather there are a couple of ingredients for the dish, and they serve a very crucial purpose. This discourse discusses the top ingredients for fried rice and how they can be used for the achievement of a tasty and assumptions meal.

Fried rice combines vegetables, meats and a handful of other ingredients to make a delicious meal. It is very unlikely that this meal will not be available in any high-profile event in Nigeria. At weddings and birthday parties, we all serve this dish.

ingredient for fried rice

It is the second most popular rice recipe in Nigeria, after jollof rice. If this is your first time, don’t worry, it is easy and you are going to be smiling shortly.

I have written a detailed guide to show you how to make fried rice the Nigerian way and in a way that every global citizen will find the dish and its preparation easy and interesting.

What are the Ingredients for Fried Rice?

I combine several ingredients like chopped liver, carrots, green beans, peas, sweet corn chicken stock, chopped green pepper, cabbage and a couple of other ingredients while making the Nigerian version of fried rice.

Below are some ingredients.

What are the Ingredients for Fried Rice?

Chopped liver, chicken stock, chopped cabbage, green peas chopped carrots, sweet corn and green beans are the major ingredients for fried rice.

Complete List of Fried Rice Ingredients

1. 4 cups of rice.

2. 4 cups of sliced Cabbage.

3. 2 cups of sliced Carrot.

4. 2 cups of sliced Green beans.Half a cup of peas.

5. 1 cup of sliced Green pepper.

6. Cow Liver {300g}.

7. 2kg of Chicken.

8. 200ml Vegetable oil.

9. 1 cup sweet corn.

10. 1 cup of sliced Onions.

11. Curry powder (coloring spice) {2 Tablespoons}.

12. 1 teaspoon ground pepper

13. Salt to taste.

How to Make Fried Rice

How to Make Fried Rice

Serving: 8

Preparation time: 120 mins

Step 1

Wash and pre-cook the chicken and liver together using a teaspoon of salt, half a cup of sliced onions, a teaspoon of thyme spice, a teaspoon of curry, and two seasoning cubes teaspoon each of powdered ginger and garlic).

Allow the meat to cook for 15 minutes then pick and grill or deep fry. Remember to keep the chicken stock (meat water) aside. We serve fried rice with either fried or grilled meat.

Step 2

Chop the cabbage, green beans, carrot, liver, and green peppers and keep aside.

Step 3

Parboil the 4 cups of rice and cook with half of the meat stock (water from the meat) and two cups of water, more water if your rice is difficult to cook. You want it almost done., about 70% done but not fully soft.

Step 4

Set your cooking pot on heat and add 200ml of vegetable oil. You will fry a couple of ingredients for fried rice.

Step 5

Allow heating then add the sliced onions and stir for one to two minutes.

Step 6

Then add the chopped carrot and green beans, any of the two can go first.

Step 7

Add the chopped liver and sweet corn, and stir. And you need to have your pot looking like this.

This is how to make fried rice with veggies.

Step 8

Add chicken stock (meat water), ground pepper (optional), a teaspoon of salt and a seasoning cube then stir and taste, you may add more salt.
Add the green peas.

Stir for one to two minutes then add cabbage and the curry powder for yellowish fried rice.

Taste for salt, it has to taste spicy and look yellowish.

If it tastes good and colourful, then add the green pepper. Stir.

Step 9

Combine with fried or grilled chicken and serve.

Nigerian Fried Rice Recipe

2 cups cooked rice
1/2 cup chicken stock
3 tbsp oil for frying
1 cup onion diced
1 cup mixed Vegetables Carrots, Sweet Peas, Sweet Corn and green beans
1/2 tsp thyme
1 tsp Curry powder
2 scallions diced
1 chicken stock cube
1 cup beef liver cubed
salt to taste
1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper
Add the boiled rice to the stock in a medium pot and cook on medium heat til the water is dried up.

Preheat the oil in a pan on medium to high heat, add the onions, and fry for a minute or two; add the scallions, mixed vegetables, thyme, curry powder, salt, and stock Cube.

Throw in the beef liver and rice — Stir-fry for about three to five minutes on high heat.

Take the dish off the heat and serve.

That is all you need to know about fried rice. Do not forget to drop me a comment using the comment box below. Chefsbase’s team loves reading your comments.

One response to “The Best Ingredient for Fried Rice”

  1. […] White Rice: In fried rice meals, white rice is mostly prepared in three different ways: cooked, chilled, and […]

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