ofada rice stew

Ofada Rice Stew: Everything You Need to Know About It

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Ofada rice stew is a quintessential Nigerian delicacy, celebrated for its rich flavours and cultural significance. Originating from the Yoruba tribe, this hearty stew is traditionally made with locally grown Ofada rice, renowned for its distinctive aroma and slightly chewy texture.

The stew is an irresistible blend of assorted meats such as beef, tripe, and cow skin, simmered to tender perfection in a flavorful blend of tomatoes, peppers, onions, and indigenous spices like locust beans and iru.

ofada rice stew

The resulting dish is a symphony of savoury and spicy notes, served alongside the nutty Ofada rice to create a harmonious and satisfying meal experience. With its deep roots in Nigerian culinary heritage, Ofada rice stew not only delights the palate but also embodies the region’s rich cultural tapestry.

What is Ofada Rice Stew?

Ofada stew recipe with boiled eggs (stew-soaked eggs). Oh yes please, honestly the Ofada stew is one of the best things one has cooked recently,

It is quick to make and needs few ingredients. It is said all the time, it is not quantity that makes good food but the quality and love that goes into it.

Ofada stew is eaten in every part of Nigeria, it is mostly paired with Ofada rice or plain white rice.

This stew is just the truth, some people use roasted bell peppers for this stew but please feel free to use fresh ones if you don’t have access to an oven.

Ofada Rice Ingredients

Here are the Ofada rice ingredients:

1. Large red bell pepper (tatashe)

2. Crushed chilli flakes

3. Locust beans (iru woro)

4. Salt to taste

5. Chicken bouillon Powder: substitutes for beef or vegetable bouillon.

6. Vegetable oil: substitutes with palm oil or a mixture of both

7. Large onion

8. Ground crayfish (optional)

9. Pre-cooked chopped assorted meat of choice

How to Make Ofada Stew

Making Ofada stew will only take roughly 30-45 minutes. To start the preparation, chop the onions, boil the eggs, peel and set aside, wash and rinse the locust beans,  deseed the red bell peppers, rinse and place on a baking tray.

How to Make Ofada Stew

After that, spray a little oil on it and roast it in the oven for about 20 minutes or until a little bit charred (but not burnt) once it is done to your satisfaction, add to a blender with some chopped onions (reserve some for later) or food processor and blend coarsely.

Keep a pan on medium heat and leave until hot (check that the pot is dry too. Add the vegetable oil (or palm oil) and leave to bleach for about five minutes or longer (this stage is optional, leave longer if using palm oil) and please remember to keep the kitchen ventilated when doing this.

This level is also optional; you can fry the chopped meat in the oil or grill for a healthier option. If you decide to do the first, remove the meat from the oil once fried and drain on a paper towel.

Add sliced onions to the hot oil and stir carefully (the onions will infuse with the oil) add the blended pepper and locust beans to the oil. Be careful at this point as the pepper might splatter if the oil is too hot. Add the chilli flakes and stir to combine.  

Continue to cook for another five minutes, add boiled eggs and ground crayfish. Stir carefully into the stew and leave to cook for another 15 minutes on medium heat. Check at intervals and stir to avoid burning, add salt and seasoning to taste.

Add the sliced assorted meat and stir carefully into the stew (Just look at those eggs and say, ama get you soon.)

Cook for another 7 to 12 minutes and by this time oil should be floating on the surface of the stew. Look for salt, and seasoning and adjust accordingly. Decant oil and serve your stew with fluffy Ofada rice or plain white rice.

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