rice and beans jollof

Rice and Beans Jollof Recipe: Perfect Combo From Nigeria

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Rice and beans jollof is a nice delicacy that is popular in Nigeria and perhaps some parts of West Africa. This discourse contains all you need to know about the dish starting from its tastes, functions, to recipe, etc.

This Rice and Beans recipe is probably going to be easier than most other recipes you get online. When rice is mixed with beans and made into Jollof, that’s food to millions of Nigerians.

There are many staple foods in Nigeria, rice, and beans are only some of them. While lots of Nigerians make either porridge bean or jollof rice as a meal, there is a way to combine both into a sumptuous meal as too.

rice and beans jollof

What we have above is a tasty-looking and tasting plate of rice and beans combo that is made using my powerful recipe. This combination tastes a lot better than just the ordinary jollof rice even when made with the same ingredients.

You might wish try this next time instead of just jollof rice.

Ingredients for Rice and Beans

Ingredients for Rice and Beans

3 cups of rice
2 cups of beans
Fresh tomatoes (700ML)
3 Tablespoons canned tomatoes (tin tomato)
3 seasoning cubes
1 cup of sliced onions
1 KG Chicken
1 teaspoon of powdered ginger
1 teaspoon of powdered garlic
500ml Vegetable oil
5 scotch bonnet (peppers)
Salt to taste.

The preparation time: 90 minutes.

Rice and Beans Preparation

Step 1
Begin by parboiling the rice, also pick (select) and parboil the beans, wash the both of them, and set aside in different bowls.

So how do you pre-cook rice? Just pour 3 cups of rice into boiling water, let it boil for 2 minutes, wash and set aside.

Also, parboil the beans and keep them aside.

Step 2
Grind the tomatoes, (700ML). Add 5 scotch bonnet pepper and blend them together.

Parboil the chicken with all the ingredients (two seasoning cubes, half cup of sliced onions, salt). Let the chicken boil for 10-15 minutes.

Pick with a kitchen fork and keep aside.

Please ensure to reserve the chicken stock (meat water), it is an integral
part of Nigerian cooking.

Chicken stock(1), tin tomato(2), Precooked chicken(3), Ground fresh tomatoes(4)

Step 3
Fry or grill the chicken and set aside.

Step 4

Transfer the parboiled beans into a cooking pot and boil with just water and sliced onions for 30-40 minutes, this depends on the kind of beans you are cooking, if you are using the big white beans just 30 min would be enough but if it is the brown beans it would take about 40 minutes before it is 60% cooked.

You just wish it almost done.

How to Make Rice and Beans

Step 5
Set your cooking pot on heat, and add oil 250ml (Use the same oil that you fried the chicken with, just reduce it).

Add half a cup of sliced onions, fry for a minute, and add the ground tomatoes/ pepper. Also, add the store-bought tomato paste (tin tomato)

Step 6
Stir and fry until it looses its sour taste and thickens, remember to turn frequently to avoid burning, should take 15-20 minutes. Once the tomato is fried remove half and set it aside.

Step 7
Add the chicken stock (meat water).

Add two cups of water, 1 seasoning cube, salt to taste, a teaspoon each of curry, ginger, and garlic powder. Stir and let it boil.

Step 8
Taste for salt, then adds the precooked bean and parboiled rice.

Step 9
Stir together and add the remaining fried tomato/pepper that you previously removed. Spread evenly on top of the cooking rice and beans, this will let your food cook properly before it burns.

Add the remaining sliced onions.

Step 10
Cover and cook on medium heat for the next 25 to 40
minutes. Check when the rice/beans soften and the water is dried. you should have something like this.


Remember to use a wooden turner to turn the food together and serve with the fried chicken. You can add a vegetable salad or fried ripe plantain.

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